5 Important Things to Keep in Mind as You Learn to Sing

by Jul 7, 2022

BLOG CATEGORY: Singing Lessons

It can feel overwhelming and time-consuming to unlock your vocal skills. However, everyone has to start somewhere, and mastering the basics creates the necessary foundations for a beautiful singing voice. So here are a few things to keep in mind as you learn to sing.

  1. Don’t Push Yourself and Know Your Limits: Vocal cords are a muscle, and like all muscles, they can grow tired and become strained. Early on, many singers can easily over-exert themselves, tiring and damaging their vocal cords through overuse. When learning, be sure to rest your vocal cords, warm up before each practice, don’t push your range (don’t force yourself to go too high or low), and drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. 
  2. Posture Matters: Keeping a good posture while singing allows air to enter your respiratory system, granting better control of your entire vocal range. A poor posture will constrict your torso, making it difficult for your diaphragm and lungs to inflate, weakening your tone. The proper singing posture requires you to sit straight, keep your shoulders in line with your hips, keep your chin up with your head straight, and have your shoulders and arms relaxed.
  3. Understand the Importance of Breathing: Many novice singers like to jump right into learning ranges and pitch control but neglect a fundamental element of vocal training, breathing. Practicing purposeful and controlled breathing is an essential element of learning to sing that every beginner should understand. The first step is utilizing basic breathing exercises. These workouts help you gain a more profound control of your diaphragm and respiratory system. There are numerous breathing exercises you can practice, but the most basic one goes like this:
    1. Slowly inhale for a count of four – while doing so, pull the air into your diaphragm. 
    2. Then, exhale for a count of four so your diaphragm comes to a resting position – this should be a slow, controlled exhale.
    3. Repeat this, but double the count to 8, then do so again for a count of 16.
    4. This exercise helps train your diaphragm muscles and places emphasis on controlling the flow of air through your system. 
  4. Understanding Tone: Tone is the unique sound of your voice. This is determined by the shape of your head, the structure of your throat, and your sinuses. Tone can be improved by good breathing, utilizing warm-ups, proper vocal technique, and good vocal health. However, the tone and colors of someone’s voice cannot change. 
  5. Understanding Range: Your vocal range is the pitch your voice can phonate within. In other words, how high and low you can sing. Women are classified as Soprano (highest range), Mezzo-Soprano (second highest), and Contralto (lowest). Men’s ranges are Tenor (highest), Baritone (second highest), and Bass (lowest). 

If you want to learn to sing, master these techniques and hone your voice, sign up for private singing lessons with Greg here.

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